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British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #102 April/May 1998

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6 DRUG APPROVAL FIGHT HEATS UP Protest Rally Sparks Meeting with Alan Rock. A major problem has been the federal government campaign of slashing programs to save money. Health Protection Branch has fallen victim to the cutbacks and simply does not have the resources. 8 ADVOCACY UPDATE: UPDATE ON DENTAL SERVICES Rules, regualations and associated legislation to help you recieve dental benefits from your financial aid worker. Lost cost dental services in Vancouver. PREVENTATIVE NUTRITION THERAPY Treating and preventing dry mouth. 10 NON FICTION: SHORT STORIES BY CLYDE RICHARDSON "The Cut that Hurts" The following short story was written by Clyde Richardson, a long term volunteer with BCPWA Advocacy. These are true stories from his life experience as a person living with HIV; stories written with humour that he wanted to share. 11 SHE'S HAVING A BABY? Women relate their experiences of becoming pregnant and delivering a child after having tested HIV+ 17 WHAT DOES IT COST TO LIVE WITH HIV? Interim report on the Community Health Resource Project which is investigating teh cost and economic impact of HIV and AIDS and whose goal is to define direct and indirect costs associated with HIV/AIDS. 18 SPIRITUALITY AND PERSONS WITH HIV/AIDS Review of "An Exploration of the meaning and use of sprituality among women with HIV/AIDS" By Joyce A. Guillory, Richard Swell, Linda Moneyham and Brenda Seals, published in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 3(5):55-60. 19 KVIK RECIPES BY KASANDRA POSITIVELY HAPPENING. Centre pull-out section. Calling the Pacfic AIDS Resource Centre, More Place to Call, Vancouver Services, Classified, Volunteer Opportunities, Vancouver Weekly, BC Groups & Programs
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Women and HIV/AIDS;