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Ho's & Hypes Vol.4, Issue 1

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Street Outreach Services, AIDS Vancouver Island
A quarterly zine produced for and by current or past drug users and sex trade workers with the goal of sharing information and building community among people who use Street Outreach Services (SOS), a program of AIDS Vancouver Island. This issue includes: letters to the editor; Dear Kate answers a question about crystal meth; an update on findings from the RARE project that looked at injection drug use and HIV/AIDS in the Capital Health Region; tidbits about drug use, safety, and what to do when someone is overdosing (ODing); My Opinion column by Megan is about people dying in the community; "When I first cleaned up" by Jason; "Razorwire" by Wayne Trudell; two pages of poems by various authors; a personal story about antiviral drugs; an update on the SOS exchange program; an update on the Hepatitis C project; info about the acupuncture clinic; a list of the things street nurses do and the new street nurse schedule; good numbers to know for all kinds of services.
AIDS service organization (ASO); harm reduction; injection drug use (IDU); HIV/AIDS; sex trade workers