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Positive Living Society of British Columbia (Formally BCPWA)

Presentation to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services

Publication type: 
Position Paper
Anderson, Jeff
Text of the presentation made by Jeff Anderson, Treasurer, on behalf of the BC Persons with AIDS Society to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Governement Services of the Government of British Columbia on October 9, 2001. The Society believes that it saves health care dollars, improves the condition of its members and empowers them to return to work, perform the important work of developing public policy and improving treatment effectiveness and contribute to improved health for all British Columbians. The Society outlined how much funding it received from the BC Government and how that funding was spent (Living+ Magazine, the Treatment Information Program, Support and Peer Counselling, the Advocacy department and administration) and that it matched each dollar from the provincial governement with a dollar seventeen from private, public and corporate support. The Society encourages the goverment to continue its support and the support its endorsement breeds with private and public funders, to continue to see BCPWA as partners in the battle against AIDS and to meet three challenges over the next three budget years: AIDS prevention, access to treatment and community based research, and office space for the AIDS community, BCPWA and AIDS Vancouver.
HIV/AIDS; Provincial Government; Policy; AIDS Service Organizations; Health Promotion; Funding Cuts

Presentation to the Select Standing Committee on Health

Publication type: 
Position Paper
Hillson, Glen
This presentation was made to the Select Standing Committee on Health of the Government of British Columbia. In this presentation, the BCPWA outlines why HIV remains a serious threat to British Columbians, the epidemiology of the disease, implications of viral mutation for treatment, health care providers lack of knowledge of HIV treatments, and implications on health care funding due to the HIV epidemic. The Society makes recommendations to the Committee further to British Columbia's Framework for Action on HIV/AIDS to involve people living with HIV/AIDS and community based organizations to save health care dollars in the fight against AIDS and to review the definition of prevention to include health promotion to slow progression of the disease and reduce transmission thus reducing health care costs.
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; BC Ministry of Health; Health Care; Funding Cuts;

Strategic Initiatives: Addressing the Epidemic of HIV and Hepatitis C in British Columbia

Publication type: 
Position Paper
Braitstein, Paula, MA, MSc, PhD
This document was prepared for the Honourable Colin Hansen, Minister of Health Services in March 2003. The BCPWA Society has long been aware of the magnitude of the HIV-Hepatitis C co-infection epidemic in BC but only recently have the treatment and care obstacles faced by those infected with both HIV and Hepatitis C come directly to their attention. Broadly, the issues of critical significance to the care and management of co-infected persons are 1) routine patient management issues, 2) Pharmacare issue, and 3) solid organ transplantation. This document highlights these issues and makes recommendations on how to best address them and includes the Final Report of a multi-stakeholder meeting regarding the care, treatment and support of co-infected individuals and the prevention of new HIV/HCV infections where virtually all these recommendations were independently raised and agreed upon.
HIV/AIDS; Hepatitis C; BC Persons with AIDS Society; Pharmacare; Health Care

Vocational Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Services in the context of HIV Infection, Issues and Guiding Principles

Publication type: 
Position Paper
BCPWA in consultation with Health Canada
The BC Persons with AIDS Society has noticed that some its members are considering returning to the workforce or entering the workforce for the first time. This document outlines issues and guiding principles that the Society has developed in consultation with Health Canada to address the complex issues of returning to work to best support its members. The principles address the individual with HIV, HIV/AIDS community organizations, governments and private agencies with respect to medical science and research, self-determination, flexibility, safety, responsibility, and income security. The society recommends adopting these principles to guide the development of practices, policies and programs that will make the return to work a positive and rewarding experience rather than a burden that exacerbates the hardships related to HIV disease.
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; Workplace; Worker's Rights; Education; Rehabilitation; Government Policy

Dealing with AIDS in Canada: The Unmet Challenge. Presentation to the Standing Committee on Finance

Publication type: 
Position Paper
Bradford, Glen
A presentation to the Standing Committee on Finance by Glen Bradford Chair of the BC Persons with AIDS Society on October 27, 2003. [See accompanying Brief: Dealing with AIDS in Canada: The Unmet Challenge. A Brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance regarding Fiscal Priorities for the Future.] The Society notes that the annual budget for the Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS has remained static for the past 10 years while the cumulative number of HIV infections has risen and the virus has migrated to populations that were once considered low risk. In addition to increasing the budget of the Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS to $106 million to address the changing epidemic as recommended by other AIDS organizations, the Society asks for an additional $20 million to fund Positive Prevention iniatives to curb the spread of HIV by addressing the issues and concerns of HIV positive people. A description and examples of BCPWA's Positive Prevention Campaign are included.
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; Government Policy; National AIDS Strategy

Submission to the Standing Committee on Health, Study on Prescription Drugs

Publication type: 
Position Paper
The BC Persons with AIDS Society made this submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health on September 22, 2003 because pharmeceutical products are a key component to staying alive for most HIV positive people and HIV positive people have a strong vested interest in what the Standing Committee hears, understands and recommends. In the submission, the Society notes the rising cost of prescription drugs, how those rising costs affect people with HIV and the role of the Patent Medicines Pricing Review Board and the then newly created Common Drug Review in determining drug pricing or even whether provinces will consider placing a drug in its formulary. The Society makes several recommendations on the following: Mechanisms for reviewing and controlling prices on all prescription drugs; Mechanisms for approving new drugs and introducing them onto the market, with respect to their therapeutic value, their side effects, their interactions with other drugs etc., as well as a focus on clinical trials; Monitoring of adverse effects and prescribing practices; Direct-To-Consumer Adversting. Underlying all issues related to prescriptions drugs and these recommendations are a few key principles. The BCPWA Society believes in our right to make informed choices; our right as consumers to have a voice in all aspects of decision making regarding prescription drugs from bench to beside; transparency by both industry and government regarding all aspects of prescription drugs; the responsibility of the state to create the conditions necessary to permit its citizens to maximize their health; the need for safe, effective and accessible products, recognizing that safety, efficacy, and accessibility may be defined differently depending on the state of one's health.
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; Government Policy; Pharmeceuticals; Funding Cuts

Shifting Priorities: The Response of the BC Persons with AIDS Society to Priorities for Action in Managing the Epidemics HIV/AIDS in BC: 2003-2007 (Workshop Draft - March 2003)

Publication type: 
Position Paper
Shifting Priorities: The Response of the BC Persons with AIDS Society to Priorities for Action in Managing the Epidemics HIV/AIDS in BC: 2003-2007 (Workshop Draft - March 2003) [a copy of which can be found at ] Representatives of the Society attended the Priorities workshops hosted by the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority on April 4th, 2003, the Provincial Health Services Authority on April 7th, 2003, and the Fraser Health Authority on April 15th, 2003. While the Society finds much in the workshop draft to be praiseworthy and deserving of swift implementation and the overall goals to be commendably clear, to the point and bold, there are three substantial areas of policy and implementation that the document fails to deal with in any meaningful way: the role of HIV positive people in prevention efforts ("Positive Prevention"), the role of the HIV/AIDS community in determining, effecting and monitoring large portions of the battle against the epidemic, and the need for substantially increased funding if the goals set out in Priorities are to be at all attainable. This response by the BCPWA details the Society's criticisms of the treatment of these areas in the Priorities document with relevant historical, policy and academic information and offers suggestion to strengthen the response to the epidemic in BC.
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; Community-based Organization; HIV Prevention; Epidemiology

IT Developments in BC Health Care: Confidentiality at the Crossroads. A BCPWA Background paper

Publication type: 
Policy Paper / Action Plan
An agreement between the BC Medical Association and the Government of British Columbia covering compensation for physicians and related matters for the period April 1, 2006 through March 31, 2012 was announced on March 11, 2006, part of which provides funding for the use of information technology in the delivery of care by physicians. This background paper details the context of information technologies and health care in British Columbia and the provisions of the agreement between the BCMA and the province. The government is providing enormous incentives to physicians to participate in a system in which all of a patient's medical information would be stored electronically and away from the physician's office and accessible to any of a host of players throughout the health care system over the internet. The Society believes that there is not enough protection of doctor/patient confidentiality in this system or of patient control over their own medical information and that it is absolutely imperative that individuals and organized health care consumers be decisively involved in the development of the system and remain in control of their personal sets of information. The Society lists its actions and recommends that individuals take action to safeguard their personal information and to demand a halt to the implementation of this program until a full public consultation has occurred and appropriate safeguards are in place.
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; Governement Policy; Medical Services; Confidentiality; Ethics; Health Information Dissemination;

Positive Living Manual, 3rd Edition

Publication type: 
Training / Education Manual
British Columbia Minsitry of Health, Public Health Agency of Canada, AIDS Community Action Program (
The third edition of the Positive Living Manual (PLM) offers a range of information about living with HIV/AIDS, the basics for newly diagnosed, treatment information, lifestyle choices, advocacy issues, risk reduction tips, end-of-life planning and community resources. Table of contents 01 Acknowlegements; 02 Table of Contents; 03 Message from the Editorial Board; 05 Introduction; 06 Newly Diagnosed; YOUR HEALTH: 07 The Basics 10 The Empowered Patient 11 HIV and Clinical Treatment Issues 12 Introduction to Antiretroviral Therapy 13 HAART How-To Guide 14 Interactions between Combination Therapies, Street Drugs, Alcohol, and Methadone 15 Opportunistic Infections 16 Structured (or Strategic) Treatment Interruptions (STI) 17 Clinical Trials 18 Women and HIV 22 Planning a Positive Pregnancy 24 HIV-Positive Children 25 Trans Positive Healthcare for HIV/AIDS 26 Co-Infections and Other Health Conditions 28 HIV and Stress 30 Mental Health; Positive Options: 33 HIV and Nutrition 34 How to get the most Nutrition on a Limited Budget 35 Nutrition and HIV 38 Exercise and HIV 39 The Healing Way 41 How to Recognize A Scam 42 Complementary and Alternative Medicine 45 Marijuana; Active Living: 47 Self-Empowerment 48 Working, Learning, and Volunteering 49 Long-Term Disability Plans 50 Persons With Disabilities Status 51 Income Sources 52 Housing Issues 53 Affordable Transportation 54 Declaring Bankruptcy 55 Collective Voices: Human Rights 56 Make Your Voice Heard; Between You, Me and ... : 57 What is Positive Prevention? 58 Disclosure of HIV Status 59 Legal Implications of Disclosure to Sexual Partners 60 Sexual Health for HIV-Positive Persons 61 Negotiating Safer Sex 62 Women who have sex with Women: are you at risk of HIV? 63 Risk Reduction Chart for Heterosexual Couples 64 Risk Reduction Chart for Gay Men 65 Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) 66 Safer Drug Use 67 Issues Affecting Incarcerated Populations; Exit Your Way: 69 Care at the End of Life 71 Wills 72 Representation Agreements 73 Funerals 74 Exit Your Way; 75 Resources; 91 Glossary
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; Health Care; HIV/AIDS Treatment; HIV Testing; HIV Prevention; Housing; Alternative Therapies; First Nations; Work; Disability; Legal Issues; Nutrition; Women and HIV/AIDS; Injection Drug Users; Mental Health; Social Support; Social Services; Harm Reduction; Prisoners' rights; Spirituality

CBR: Luxury or Necessity? An Environmental Scan of the British Columbia Community Based Research Capacity Building Needs, Capacities and Challenges.

Publication type: 
Research Paper / Project Report
Community-Based Research Capacity Building Program
This document is a report of an environmental scan on community-based research capacity building that was conducted in British Columbia between September 2003 and March 2004. The focus of the scan is to assess the capacity of community-based organizations to engage successfully in community-based research and evaluation initiatives. This environmental scan is one of the first steps in setting up a community-based research capacity building program in BC. The general purpose of the program is to provide training education, technical support, partnership facilitation, and promote evidence-based decisions for organizations that work with HIV/AIDS. The report includes definitions of 'community-based research' and 'capacity building,' the methodology, activities, timelines and population of the environmental scan, finding and interpretations, and recommendations for capacity building, implementation of programs, training workshops, communication and coordination. Also included are three case studies and a brief inventory of community-based research interests in BC.
Hiv/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; Community-based Research; Community Capacity Building; Research; Methodology; Ethics


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