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Positive Living Society of British Columbia (Formally BCPWA)

Living Positive 2nd Edition

Publication type: 
Training / Education Manual
British Columbia Minsitry of Health
Living Positive 2nd Edition. For people who are newly diagnosed or who have been living with HIV for many years, this manual has been written to provide you information about living a positive, healthy life and to take charge of your health. People living with HIV disease, medical and other experts share their knowledge to support you taking care of your mind, body and spirit. Table Of Contents: Staying Healthy-An introduction to Living Positive and taking charge of your health; Understanding Your Medical Condition
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; Health Care; HIV/AIDS Treatment; HIV Testing; HIV Prevention; Housing; Alternative Therapies; First Nations; Work; Disability; Legal Issues; Nutrition; Women and HIV/AIDS; Injection Drug Users; Mental Health; Social Support; Social Services; Harm Reduction; Spirituality

Positive Living: A Manual for People Affected by AIDS/HIV, 1st Edition

Publication type: 
Training / Education Manual
Positive Living: A Manual for People Affected by AIDS/HIV, 1st Edition, is a resource guide intended as a first step information source on the issues involved in living with AIDS and HIV. This resource guide is intended to arm you with information to make life with HIV/AIDS less fearful and frustrating. We have attempted to deal with many of the things you'll need to know from the issues involved in simply being tested, to emotional and and medical problems you may encounter, practical considerations like work and housing, and the spiritual side of living with HIV/AIDS. Table of Contents: Chapter 1: Coming To Terms With The Diagnosis - A. Testing For Hiv Status B. Testing Hiv Positive C. Now What? D. Someone To Talk To E. Fear Of Aids F. Who To Tell G. Telling Your Family H. Dealing With Fear And Depression; Chapter 2: Anyone Can Get Aids A. Introduction B. Homosexuals C. Heterosexuals D. Bisexuals E. Hemophilia F. Aids/Hiv On The Street G. Substance Users H. Native Health; Chapter 3: Supporting Yourself A. Protecting Your Rights B. Should You Keep Working? C. Aids In The Workplace D. Claiming What
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; Health Care; HIV/AIDS Treatment; HIV Testing; HIV Prevention; Housing; Alternative Therapies; First Nations; Work; Disability; Legal Issues; Nutrition; Women and HIV/AIDS; Injection Drug Users; Mental Health; Social Support; Social Services; Spirituality

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #49 July 1991

Publication type: 
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #50 August/September 1991

Publication type: 
WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? Promotional Song for Walk for AIDS '91 "What Are We Going To Do?" written by Amanda Hughes and performed at Tom Lee Music Hall; TREATMENT INFORMATION FOURMS The Vancouver PWA Society's Treatment Information Project hosting forums; BOUCHARD STOPS DISMANTLING CENTRE FOR AIDS Minister of Health and Welfare Benoit Bouchard has interrupted a plan to dismantle the Federal Centre for AIDS, ordered all branches of Health and Welfare to work together to develop an overall federal government response to AIDS; CONFIDENTIALITY AND OUR MEMBER MAILING LIST Chair of PWA Board clarifies policy and explains recent mailing in UBC envelops; CELEBRITIES HELPS PWA SOCIETY by installing a Breakopen Ticket Sales machine benefitting the Complementary Health Fund; VTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR PERSONS WITH HIV/AIDS. HIV and Human Rights: From Victim to Victor. Upcoming conference information; PRESIDENT AND ADVOCACY UPDATE New Home housing PWA, AIDS Vancouver and the Women and AIDS Support Network expected within a year. The Open Learning Network has bought the rights of our video " Working Together A Profile of Kevin Brown." New working relationship with McLaren Housing Society. The Society and other interested groups will be meeting with the clinical research team and other AIDS specialists regarding concerns about the proposed Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS; THE NAMES PROJECT QUILT The Toronto Affiliate of hte Names Project Foundation is proud to announce the Canadain Quilt is coming to Toronto; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS: T-CELL COUNTING STANDARDS. FLORENCE CONFERENCE OVERVIEW Report from the International Conference on AIDS. FOSCARNET: CONTROLLING CALCIUM DEPLETION. TOXOPLASMOSIS IN HIV. NUTRITION; IMMUNIZATION NOW AVAILABLE Influenza, pnuemoccal and hepatitis; KISS NEEDS YOU The Keep it Safer Sex Project, call for feedback and ideas; WHAT IS CAMOUFLAGE THERAPY? Camouflage Make-up is used to normalize an appearance; WE'RE OPEN: CALENDAR, ONGOING EVENTS; KUDOS OF THE MONTH; NOTES FROM THE SPEAKER'S BUREAU Personal reflection on volunteering for the Speaker's Bureau and information on the Keep It Safer Sex project; PLANTAIN Information on herbal alternative therapy; WHAT IS TOUCH FOR HEALTH? Information, sessions available; AIDS MASERY WEEKEND Event announcement; AN ODE TO THE SISTERHOOD Poetry; THOMAS EMMETT O'CONNOR JULY 27, 1991; WHAT DO WOMEN REALLY WANT? Positive Women's Gathering; STEP TWO AA and HIV; STEP THREE AA and HIV; LAW STUDENTS LEGAL ADVICE PROGRAM Weekly Legal clinics; LIBRARY NEWS Thanks to summer student, call for volunteers; ARTWORK NEEDED For Canadian HIV Trial Network Annual Report; PROFESSIONAL HAIR STYLING available; PARENTING AND HIV/AIDS Paediatric AIDS Conference, pre-conference get-together for people directly involved in parenting issues and HIV/AIDS; DEAR MEMBERS Peer counsellors available for hospital visits; ISLAND PERSONS WITH AIDS Support group; NORTH SHORE MEN'S POSITIVE SUPPORT GROUP; KAMLOOPS SUPPORT GROUP; FRIENDS FOR LIFE Support group organizing social activities and information exchanges for HIV+ people who identify as heterosexual; HELPLINE Volunteers needed; NOTICEBOARD;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #46 April 1991

Publication type: 
ALEX KOWALSKI November 11, 1953 - March 25, 1991; CONGRATULATIONS New Board members elected; DEAR EDITOR ACT UP member writes about his arrest; BOYCOTT ROCHE UNTIL THEY SHOW COMPASSION Roche has limited compassionate access to their new antiviral drug ddC; AIDS IN THE ABORIGINAL COMMUNITY Further report on the Second Canadian Conference on AIDS and related issues in the Aboriginal Community; EASTER'S SUNDAYS The Vancouver Meals Society is now a registered non-profit society providing daily meals for persons affected by AIDS. Fundraiser announced; AIDS AND DENTAL CARE After allegations of a Florida Dentist passing on HIV to his patients, a Vancouver Dentist responds; EXPERIMENTAL PROTOCOLS AND TREATMENT PROGRAMS at the AIDS Research Program St. Paul's Hospital-University of British Columbia Hospital. HIV ANTIVIRALS: Comparative ddI vs AZT Study. ddI Open Treatment Program. Open ddC Treatment Program. GRX. ADJUNCTIVE THERAPIES: Placebo controlled trial of Acemannan as an adjunctive to AZT therapy. GM/CSF Treatment Program. HIV RELATED DISEASES: Interferon for KS. Rifabutin Prophylaxis of MAC. 556C80 vs Septra for the Treatment of PCP. Oral Corticosteroids for Mild PCP. COOPERATIVE CANADIAN STUDY A Double Blind Comparison of ddI and Continued AZT in the Treatment of HIV Related Immune Suppression Among Individuals Who Have Received At Least 6 Months of AZT Therapy; TREATMENT PROGRAM EXPANDING Volunteers needed for the expanding Treatment Information Project; RECYCLE THIS NEWSLETTER This issue has been produced with 100% recycled paper; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS: IMUTHIOL LICENSED IN NEW ZEALAND. FLUCONAZOLE VS. CLOTRIMAZOLE. GAMMA GLOBULIN IN AIDS/ARC; WE'RE OPEN Office hours and services/programs available; ONGOING EVENTS; CLEAN 'EM! It's Dental Health Month! Report on dental amalgam controversy; KUDOS OF THE MONTH; TALKING TO THE CHILDREN Speaker's Bureau volunteer speaks to grade 7 students; PEARLY WHITES! Options for whiter teeth; THIS IS NOT A ONE NIGHT STAND 'ARTISTS AGAINST AIDS' BENEFIT; IDENTIFIABLY THE HIT OF THE THEATRE SEASON Unidentified Human Remains and the True Nature of Love by Brad Fraser; LIBRARY NEWS Occassional closures due to problems with people not checking out books properly, new additions; LIBRARY REVIEWS Anal Pleasure and Health, 2nd Edition, Jack Morin, Ph.D. Roger's Recovery from AIDS by Bob Owen. Peter's Story, CBC Newsworld, VHS. We Are Here to Stay! Scintilla Productions, VHS; EDMONTON RUNNERS FOR AIDS SERVICES Team of runners in the Vancouver Mararathon are supporting the AIDS Network of Alberta with financial pledges obtained through this event; DOUGLAS WEBB 1951 - 1991; THOUGHTS ALONG THE WAY Poetry; MARCO A. PIRRO - MARCH 1991; EXPRESS YOURSELF Art therapy group is meeting again, seeking studio space; CORONATION BALL "BONGOS IN THE CONGO" Event Announcement and Kudos; HEALING CIRCLE New sessions starts; RECREATION PASSES Vancouver Parks Board have some passes available for the use of their facilities; HIGH PRESCRIPTION COSTS The Treatments Committee is investigating ways of obtaining full government coverage of HIV/AIDS related prophylaxis and treatment; HELPLINE Volunteers needed; JOB POSTING Administrative Assistant; NOTICEBOARD
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #47 May 1991

Publication type: 
OUR HOUSING SUBSIDY IS INCREASED! The British Columbia Housing Management Commission at the request of the Ministry of Health has awarded the Vancouver PWA Society an additional 19 units to be subsidized for persons with HIV/AIDS, five of which are to be allocated to women; AIDS VANCOUVER AGM Annual General Meeting of AIDS Vancouver Society announced; HELMCKEN HOUSE New residence for people with HIV/AIDS opening; PENTOSAN POLYSULPHATE THROUGH ERDP Promising treatment for Kaposi's Sarcoma available through the Emergency Drug Release Program; ACTING UP AT CONFERENCE Opening of the 2nd Canadian AIDS Conference disrupted by members of ACT UP Vancouver chanting "Peanuts from Perrin" and questioning then Federal Heath Minister Perrin Beatty on lack of depth of his policies, Provincial Health Minister John Jansen accused of electioneering and "too little, too late"; DAPSONE/ddI ALERT ddI and Dapsone must be taken at least 2 hours apart; 1991 AIDS CANDLELIGHT VIGIL Event announcement; TDD READY Vancouver PWA now has a TDD machine; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS. HIV INFECTION IN WOMEN. SKIN CELLS MAY BE HIV RESERVOIR. MYCOPLASMA IN "AIDS". ANTIBIOTICS USED IN CLINICAL TRIAL AGAINST MYCOPLASMA. TIPS TO HELP MAINTAIN YOUR WEIGHT; WE'RE OPEN Office hours and programs/services available; ONGOING EVENTS; THIS IS NOT A ONE NIGHT STAND: ARTISTS TO STOP AIDS Benefit Art Show at the Pitt Gallery; BENEFIT AT D&P'S Fundraiser at Doll & Penny's Restaurant; LESBIAN AND GAY CHOIR DEBUT The Vancouver Lesbian and Gay Choir in Concert, tickets available; VOLUNTEERS THANK YVONNE! for organizing volunteer appreciation; KUDOS OF THE MONTH; BOOK REVIEWS. Surviving AIDS by Michael Callen. Losing Uncle Tom by Jordan/Friedman. AIDS by Niki de Sante Phalle. Dancing Against the Darkness by Steven Petrow, Lexington Books. FUNDRAISING EVENTS CALENDAR; KYBOR DANCER Memorial; DON COCKS - APRIL 1991; PLANNING A FUNDRAISER? Assistance available; LANGLEY NON DENOMINATIONAL PWA SUPPORT GROUP; SURREY HIV+ SUPPORT MEETING; LIVING WITH AIDS GROUP Eight session therapy group; HIV RESEARCH SEMINAR SERIES Vancouver Women and AIDS Awareness Campaign: A Consideration of Knowledge, Acceptance and Attitudes; HEALING OUR SPIRIT Newly organized AIDS prevention society for aboriginal people concerned with HIV/AIDS focused on traditional healing practices; THE NORTH SHORE SUPPORT GROUP; HELPLINE Volunteers needed; NOTICEBOARD;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #48 June 1991

Publication type: 
PWA: A SOCIETY BASED ON SELF HELP Program Committee is now the Support Committee. Call for volunteers; AIDS VANCOUVER ELECTS NEW BOARD; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Teacher thanks the Society for speaker; DENTAL TREATMENT GUARANTEED Registrar of the College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia is contacting dentists who have refused to treat people with HIV and is requesting reports and undertakings to insure that dental care will be provided to any patient with HIV; NEWSLETTER IMPROVEMENTS Now on 100% recycled, non-bleached paper. Call for submissions; NOTICE TO PEOPLE TAKING ddI OR DAPSONE Taking ddI and Dapsone at the same time may cause the Dapsone not to be properly absorbed. Other possible drug interactions with ddI; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS: BI-RG-587: ACTU UP URGES FASTER EFFICACY TRIAL. ddC STUDY RESULTS. COMPLEX HOMEOPATHY. HOMEOPATHIC FORUM Event announcement. INFECTION FIGHTERS; WE'RE OPEN: CALENDAR, ONGOING EVENTS; KUDOS FOR THE MONTH; HELMCKEN HOUSE OPENS We wish to congratulate the McLaren Housing Society of BC on the opening of Helmcken House; FRIENDS TOGETHER Personal reflection on low energy and walks with friends; PUPPIES Donations of stuffed puppies make a difference; WALK FOR AIDS Call for volunteers; SURVIVING AIDS A NIGHT WITH MICHAEL CALLEN Event announcement; GARLIC AND THE IMMUNE RESPONSE Research report; STUDY OF COPING WITH HIV INFECTION IN GAY MALES Call for research participants; NEW SUPPORT GROUP: NATIVES AND FRIENDS; SURREY HIV+ SUPPORT MEETING; CONFIDENTIAL LEGAL ADVICE Law Students' Legal Advice Program; LIBRARY NEWS Call for volunteers, missing books; DIAL 911 Advice; HELPLINE Volunteers needed; PEER COUNSELLING Now available in a multitude of languages; NOTICE BOARD;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #44 January/February 1991

Publication type: 
KNOWLEDGE: OUR BEST HOPE FOR CONTROL OF OUR LIVES Editorial on complaints regarding treatment news reporting and reiterating PWA Newsletter policy to get the latest and best information to members; MONTHLY MEDICAL FORUM February topic is Lymphoma, March the blood testing program; ADOPT THE PWA LIBRARY Call for donations to the library; ISOPRINOSINE INTERRUPTED Vancouver PWA Society finds new supplier; $120,000 DEADLINE MARCH 31ST, 1991 Some members may be eligible for the extraordinary assistance awarded to hemophiliacs who were infected with HIV contaminated blood products; ACT UP Report on World AIDS Day occupation of the BC Health Ministry; POSITIVE ACTION ZAMBIA Report on support group in Zambia, Positive Action Zambia and its work in the face of very strong stigmatization; ADVOCACY COMMITTEE ACTIVE The Committee will advocate on your behalf in cases of discrimination; HOUSING UPDATE We are updating list of members who are interested in being interviewed for potential suites in Housing Cooperatives; HIV+ ENTRY SOON TO USA? Leaked report suggests US will cease to bar entry of HIV infected persons; IT'S INCOME TAX TIME Income tax return help available; 90/91 GST CREDIT Application assistance available; HOSPITAL VISITS Members trained as peer counsellors available to visit; OUTREACH NURSE TO THE GAY COMMUNITY New program at the Gay and Lesbian Centre and the PWA offices; AIDS TREATMENT NEWS: EARLY AZT TREATMENT. AZT: EARLY INTERVENTION IS PROBLEMATIC. ORAL CANDIDA. ddI--LOOKING GOOD!; BLOOD TESTING PROGRAM Next testing date, discussion of benefits for annual budget review; OUTSIDE THE LOWER MAINLAND? People needing T-cell counts may have their blood drawn locally and shipped to St. Paul's; AEROSOL PENTAMIDINE DOSAGE Dr. Lawson's Comments; DENTISTS Do you know of an AIDS aware dentist you could recommend to our members?; FREE LAW CLASSES; DIAL-A-LAW LEGAL INFORMATION BY TELEPHONE; DOCTORS WITH HIV American Association of Physicians for Human Rights announces national program to assist doctors with HIV disease; CARRISYN AND IMMUNITY Research report; BC TRIALS RECRUITING Acemannan, ddI vs. AZT; CALENDAR; ONGOING EVENTS; BEN: A REMEMBRANCE Remembrance of Basil (Ben) Mayhew by Jackie Hegadorn; KUDOS OF THE MONTH; MORE KUDOS for those who contributed during the holiday season and for those involved in One Starry Night 5; CLEAR AS A BELL Personal reflection on laughter and grief; MY BEAUTIFUL BUDDYETTE Reflection on the value of AIDS Vancouver Buddy Program; TREVOR WAYNE JOHNSON August 1948 - January 1991; ART PSYCHOTHERAPY Information on Art Therapy and new group starting; CARROTS A-OK Nutritional information; DIAL-A-DIETICIAN Professional advice by telephone available; LOVING IS LIVING ON VALENTINE'S DAY Roots of Valentine's Day; SUPPORT, LOVE, UNDERSTANDING A Story of Appreciation for the PWA Society and AIDS Vancouver; THERAPEUTIC TOUCH AT ST. PAUL'S Sessions available; ddI MEDICAL FORUM New information on ddI vs AZT trial; ESPA
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #45 March 1991

Publication type: 
MAI DRUG ACCESSED Clarithromycin available through the Emergency Drug Release Program for Mycobacterium Avium Intracellulare; NO FINANCIAL BARRIERS! Editorial on access to effective AIDS treatments without financial barriers; SHARE KNOWLEDGE Letter to the Editor; NURSE ON DUTY Outreach nurse available; OUT OF TOWN? Helpline available for collect calls; FREE MASSAGE FOR MEMBERS; ACT UP DEMO Report on demonstration against Premier Vander Zalm at UTV studio; FUN FUNDRAISER Women and HIV/AIDS Support Network held a very successful fundraiser; AIDS AND RELATED ISSUES IN THE ABORIGINAL COMMUNITY Report on Second Canadian Conference; MEDICAL FORUM REPORT Report on Dr Karen Gelmon's talk on Kaposi's Sarcoma and the Alpha-interferon trial; BLOOD TESTS DEFENDED Commentary on the Blood Testing Program; COMPOUND Q UPDATE Report on research on Trichosanthin; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHTLIGHTS. AZT: 300 MG MAY BE EQUALLY EFFECTIVE. ANTIVIRAL THERAPIES: WHERE WE HAVE BEEN AND WHERE WE ARE GOING. EPO APPROVED! MAJOR STRIDE IN MAI THERAPY; CALENDAR; ONGOING EVENTS; AIDS TREATMENT NEWS CONT. ANTIVIRAL COMBINATIONS. ORAL INTERFERON UPDATE; FUNERALS ARRANGED Volunteer funeral director available anytime; EVALUATION PROJECT IS NOW COMPLETE The Society's Evaluation Project Review Team receives evaluator's report and recommendations. Copies of full report availabe; CHINESE MEDICINE PROJECT Vancouver PWA Society funds pioneer project to establish the feasibility and efficacy of Chinese Medicine as supplementary therapy to Western medicine in treating AIDS and HIV; HELPLINE Volunteers needed; BRADLEY HAWBOLDT June 6, 1953 - Feb. 3, 1991; KEN PARKER Feb 1945 - December 1990; FORUM ON CHINESE MEDICINE Topic of Monthly Medical Forum; NORTHWEST HIGHWAY Poetry; NOTICEBOARD
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #43 December 1990

Publication type: 
XMAS PRESENT AIDS A PROBLEM IN AFRICA AND NOT A PRIORITY IN BC, SAYS PROVINCIAL HEALTH MINISTER, John Jansen, in speech at the end of the Fourth Annual AIDS Conference; TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Educational film premieres World AIDS Day; WE GET OUR HOUSING SUBSIDY ALLOCATION After long and persistent lobbying by the Vancouver Persons with AIDS Society, the British Columbia Housing Management Commission awards the Society an allocation of 25 unit subsidies to be granted to persons with HIV/AIDS. Qualifying members will have their rent subsidized to no more than 30% of their income. Information on applications and deadlines; CHRISTMAS AT THE PWA SOCIETY Events and call for volunteers; STAIRS CONQUERED! Vancouver PWA Society recieves a grant from the Foundation for Immune Disease to cover a proportion of the cost of a stair climber to make the offices more accessible; LEAVES OF AUTUMN Repeat of session from the Fourth Annual AIDS Conference on "Ethical Dilemmas at the End of Life" by David Roy, director of the Centre for Bioethics at the Clinical Research Institute in Montreal; HEPATITIS-B VACCINE PROGRAM AXED BC Ombudsman to investigate allegations of governmental bias after a proposal to immunize injection drug users against hepatitis-B is vetoed; AIDS TREATMENT NEWS. T-CELL BOOSTERS: NAC LOOKS PROMISING. ALPHA-INTERFERON FLOPS. HIGHER DOSES OF PENTAMIDINE MORE EFFECTIVE. PERCENTAGE OF T-CELLS AS MARKER. PHOTOPHERESIS--PROMISING NEW TREATMENT. OESOPHAGEAL COMPLICATIONS: RESISTANT APTHOUS ULCERATION IN HIV POSITIVES; BLOOD TESTING: WHY AND HOW Information on blood testing available through the Vancouver PWA Society; THANKS CHUCK for the fantastic job handling the blood testing program; NEUROLOGICAL COMPLICATIONS AND AIDS Some information on neuropathy; CALENDAR; ONGOING EVENTS; KEVIN: MEMORY Remembrance of Kevin Brown by Antony Laird excepted from One Voice, Anglophone Newsletter of Comite SIDA Aide Montreal; THETIS ISLAND RETREAT Event report; BRUSH UP! Toothbrush information; THERAPEUTIC TOUCH Benefits of Therapeutic Touch and sessions available; CHRISTMAS COMFORT Commentary from the Compassionate Friends of Bereaved Parents Newsletter; KUDOS OF THE MONTH; ALGAE: A POWERFUL IMMUNE SYSTEM ENHANCER Nutritional information; ALLESANDRO CASULA Obiturary; THE COWBELLES MOO! Fundraising report and annoucement; IN HOSPITAL? WANT SOME VISITORS? Hospital Visiting Team volunteers available to visit members in hospital; HEY! NEED A BUDDY? AIDS Vancouver has a group of interesting, caring people who are ready to be matched up with a PWA; GIVE US A CALL ON OUR HELPLINE Peer counsellors available by telephone; HEALING CIRCLE Program discontinued until December 12th; NEW HOPE Narcotics Anonymous group New Hope (HIV+/-) meeting every Thursday at the PWA Society; 90/91 GST CREDIT Information on applying available; HELPLINE Volunteers Needed!; NOTICEBOARD;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition


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