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Positive Living Society of British Columbia (Formally BCPWA)

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #29 June 1989

Publication type: 
TO KEVIN Memorial for Kevin Brown; HOW TO GET PENTAMINDINE Advocacy Committee. Accessing pentamidine through the Emergency Drug Release Program; VANCOUVER PWAs CHECK OUT A PROMISING THERAPY FOR ADVANCED AIDS Information on Passive Immunotherapy; WHY RIBAVIRIN? Research report; AN OPEN LETTER TO THE PWA COALITION Pauline Fisher, Long Term Care Coordinator, Burrard Health Unit writes to explain and clarify the services of the Continuing Care Program, Home Care and Home Support Services; PWAs HASSLED AT US BORDER We have been requested by the IV International Conference on AIDS to document cases of anyone hassled or turned away at the US Border due to HIV related reasons; CONFESSIONS OF BYSTANDERS Letter regarding Dignity Canada questionnaire included in the last newsletter mailout; TO THE 'BYSTANDERS' RE: THE DIGNITY PASTORAL CARE PROJECT QUESTIONNAIRE Response; DARE Poetry; L.A. SYMPOSIUM The Advanced Immune Discoveries Symposium, L.A., February 1989. Report; THE Vth INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AIDS WILL BE HELD IN MONTREAL FROM JUNE 4 - 9, 1989 Pre-conference report. PWAs contribution in the fight against AIDS recognized. Pre-conference meeting of non-governmental organizations "Opportunities for Solidarity" planned; P.C.P. PROPHYLAXIS Bactrim or septra in comparison to aerosolized pentamidine; QUOTES from the Bhagavad-Gita, Upanishads, Joseph Campbell; ONGOING EVENTS; NOAK'S ARK SEEKS CLOSER CONTACT Swedish AIDS Care organization seeks penpals; WHAT'S NEW ON THE HORIZON? Report on new drug GLQ233 or Agent 'Q'. SUBMISSION WANTED Graphic and photographic material for manual for persons with newly diagnosed HIV/AIDS; BUDDHIST INSIGHT MEDITATION Information on meditation and invitation to join group; NEOPTERIN TESTING AND AIDS Report from AIDS ACTION NOW May '89 on neopterin testing and effect of antivirals; P24 ANTIGEN, BETA 2 MICROGLOBULIN AND NEOPTERIN TESTING TRIPS TO SEATTLE Report on testing available in Seattle, prices, other logistics; THE NAMES PROJECT AIDS Memorial Quilt coming to Vancouver Art Gallery. Quilting Bees scheduled at the Gay and Lesbian Centre; NEW DRUG RESEARCH: PEPTIDE-T Research report; DENTAL CLINIC AT VANCOUVER GENERAL HOSPITAL Accepting referrals; MOVIE/SOCIAL NIGHT Fridays in the PWA Lounge; PWA WALKATHON SUNDAY JUNE 25 Fundraiser announcement, call for participants; LIBRARY REACHES OUT Outreach Services of the Vancouver Public Library available; HELPFUL HINTS FOR AZT AND OTHER MEDICATIONS; THE HEMOPHILIAC PEER SUPPORT GROUP Announcement; SERVICES AVAILABLE: HOUSING NEEDS FOR PWA/PWARCs, FUNERAL ARRANGEMENT ADVICE, SUPPORT/COUNSELLING SERVICES; PERSONALS; HELP WANTED; SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: DR. KARPAS COMES TO VANCOUVER. Developer of Passive Immunotherapy will conduct public seminar; NOTICE OF BOARD VACANCY; NO SMOKING POLICY;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #30 August 1989

Publication type: 
WALK-A-THON '89 Surpassed all expectations, donations and pledges amount to $50,000. THANK YOU; DDI INFO PACK New information pack is available on request; MONTREAL CONFERENCE Report; TO THE COMMUNITY AND INDIVIDUALS WHO ASSISTED THE PARTICIPANTS WHO WENT TO THE MONTREAL CONFERENCE Thank you; MEDICAL RESEARCH FROM THE MONTREAL AIDS CONFERENCE Research reports, abstracts from the conference; PROMISING NEW THERAPY FOR THRUSH FOUND TO BE HIGHLY EFFECTIVE Research report; SOME PERSONAL THOUGHTS ABOUT THE QUILT Personal reflection; 'THON'ING INTO 1990 Planning for the next walkathon, staff person hired; NDP PROPOSES PROVINCIAL AIDS STRATEGY MLA Dr Tom Perry outlines the NDP strategy for dealing with AIDS; PART OF A SPRINGTIME FRAGRANCE Excerpted with permission from "The Islands," Gulf Islands newspaper June 16, 1989 Reflections on caregiving in the final moments; CC OF LETTER TO THE PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA on AZT funding; ONGOING EVENTS; SUBMISSION WANTED for manual for persons newly diagnosed HIV/AIDS; VOLUNTEER NEEDED to collect and organize information on resources for the manual; NEW BOOKLET OUT: GAIN FOR THE HANDICAPPED, HOW TO APPLY From the Legal Services Society; RISE A Ten Week Course for Coping with HIV Infection; PLEASE HELP COMPILE AN HIV TRAVEL GUIDE Call for volunteers for a guide book listing national, state and local laws as well as emergency services; LIVING WITH AIDS - REACHING OUT available for $15.00; THE QUANTIFIED p24 ANTIGEN TEST The best single blood-test for monitoring the effectiveness of AZT therapy; HIV p24 ANTIGEN, BETA 2 MICROGLOBULIN AND NEOPTERIN TESTING NOW AVAILABLE IN VANCOUVER; LETTER TO THE EDITOR A Broader Perspective: Towards Creating Justice and Equality; THANKS TO THE VOLUNTEERS at the Quilt Project; QUACK, QUACK, QUACKERY Reprint from Body Positive NY Information on health fraud scams; BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT FRIENDS ARE FOR! Reflections on applying to the AIDS Vancouver Buddy Program; WALKATHON PICTURES available; AFGHANS NEEDED Thank yous and further request; MEMBERSHIP POLICY CHANGES Full membership is now open to any individual who is self identified as being a person with AIDS or HIV infection resident in BC; RETREAT AUGUST 18 - 21, 1989 Limited space available, sign up for waiting list; NOTICE OF BOARD VACANCY; IN MEMORIAM: BILL IVES. NICHOLAS GRAY; REQUEST FOR VOLUNTEERS Peer counsellors needed; THANKS TO STORY TRAVEL belated thank you for donation of computer and printer; BC FERRIES - HANDICAPPED STATUS Special fare available; AIDS VANCOUVER MOVES to new offices August 1st 1989 1272 Richards Street; AIDS THEATRE PROJECT LOOKING FOR PARTICIPANTS Group theatre project "Power Play." NEWSLETTER SEEKS VOLUNTEERS;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #31 September/October 1989

Publication type: 
WARREN JENSEN died peacefully on Saturday, September 16, 1989; Obituary. WARREN
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #32 December 1989

Publication type: 
VANCOUVER PWA SOCIETY FUNDED Minister of National Health and Welfare commits $125,000 to the Vancouver Persons with AIDS Society under the AIDS Community Action Program; WHERE PWA GETS ITS MONEY Report from the General Manager; PWAs GREET SOCREDS Members leaflet the Social Credit Party Convention, heckler flings condoms at Premier Vander Zalm; COMMUNITY DONATIONS ESSENTIAL Our programs and direct services to Persons with HIV/AIDS are funded by the generous contributions and fundraisers from the community; AIDS AND DISABILITY PROJECT The BC Coalition of the Disabled announces project to get AIDS prevention information to all people with a disability in BC; BEATTY APPOINTS THREE NEW MEMBERS TO NAC-AIDS; INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL FOR PWA/HIVs: AN UPDATE Information on discriminatory border and immigration policies. More information available; NATIONAL NAPWA CONFERENCE Report; PEPTIDE-T: A CONTROVERSIAL POTENTIAL TREATMENT FOR AIDS Research report. Information pack available; ddI AVAILABLE THROUGH EDRP Criteria for access extremely restrictive. Information pack available; INFO PACKS UPDATED New treatment information packs available. Updates with lastest research available; AZT TREATMENT: EARLIER IS BETTER Research report; CO-OP BUILDING WELCOMES PWA The Vancouver Housing Registry and the Vancouver Persons with AIDS Society identify housing as a critical issue for PWAs, provide information sessions to co-ops; LIVE IN A CO-OP! Register to be on the waiting list; ONGOING EVENTS; HEALING BEAUTY BATHS Tips and recipes; LOVE Poetry; ODE TO THE IDC Song lyrics; COPING WITH GRIEF AT CHRISTMAS Advice; MOBILIZING FOR EARTHQUAKE RELIEF: THE CONTRAST WITH AIDS Reprinted from AIDS Treatment News Issue #89; THE HEMOPHILIAC AND HIV INFECTION Information, testing and prevention advice from the Canadian Hemophilia Society; AIDS CAREGIVER CONFERENCE Event announcement; THE QUILT: A PERSONAL REMEMBRANCE Personal reflection on view the entire AIDS Memorial Quilt in Washington, DC; THE NAMES PROJECT - WASHINGTON, DC Personal reflection; IN MEMORIAM - STEPHEN WHITTAKER; THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT Our love and thanks go to the community for the enormous effort and success of fundraisers and donations held last month; LIVING POSITIVE Support group announcement; DESIGN OUR NEW LOGO Entries are now being received for the PWA Logo Design Contest; BILLETING PWAs DURING GAY GAMES III Call for volunteers; CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES Social events announcements; "ONE STARRY NIGHT IV" Fundraiser report; NOTICEBOARD
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #28 March/April 1989

Publication type: 
A CLINICAL TRIAL IN PARTICULAR A DOUBLE-BLIND, PLACEBO CONTROLLED STUDY SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A SOURCE FOR TREATMENT; ENCLOSED IN THIS MONTH'S NEWSLETTER IS A QUESTIONNAIRE FROM DIGNITY CANADA DIGNITE Results will be presented at the Vth International Conference on AIDS; "WHY RIBAVIRIN" Research results; P24 ANTIGEN/BETA2 MICROGLOBULIN TESTING TRIPS TO SEATTLE Report; KEY IMMUNE ELEMENTS Information on nutrients and supplements; KEEPING YOUR MOUTH HEALTHY Information on Candida Albicans infection, cankers, herpes, hairy leukoplakia, teeth and gum care; THE SPEAKERS BUREAU Call for volunteers; RISE RAISING IMMUNE SYSTEM EFFICIENCY A Ten Week Course for Coping with HIV Infection. Call to sign up; WE NEED YOUR CASE HISTORIES AND TESTIMONIALS to document the impact the Coalition has had on members. MEA CULPA Correcting an article last month suggesting only one dentist is treating PWAs. Kudos to the dentists working in AIDS care and treatment research; LEGAL WORK FOR MEMBERS PLANNED Seminar on legal matters for members; HELP NEEDED The Advocacy Committee is seeking someone to analyse provincial, federal and local government AIDS policies; INFORMATION PACKS NEW AND UPDATED Concise mini packs of treatment information available; THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL AIDS CANDLELIGHT MEMORIAL Event announcement; SUPPORT COUNSELLING SERVICES Available; COMPUTER COMMITTEE Call for volunteers; AIDS: THE WOMEN Ines Reider, co-editor, reads excerpts. Event announcement; WOMEN ONLY WORKSHOP Call for information; CITY LIBRARY SERVICES Outreach services, home delivery of library material available; ONGOING EVENTS; PERSONAL Ads; THE NAMES PROJECT AIDS MEMORIAL QUILT is coming to the Vancouver Art Gallery; Quilting bees at the Gay and Lesbian Centre; KNITTERS Call for volunteers; MOVIE/SOCIAL NIGHT in the PWA Lounge; PROFESSIONAL FUNERAL COUNSELLING AVAILABLE; ARTIST - PHOTOGRAPHERS SUBMISSIONS WANTED for a manual for newly diagnosed HIV/AIDS; MAKING A HOSPITAL STAY EASIER Tips; PWA FUNDRAISER DOLL & PENNY'S "A MONTH OF WEDNESDAYS" Fundraiser announcement; LETTER TO THE EDITOR re confidentiality; Vth INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AIDS IN MONTREAL JUNE 4-9, 1989. PWA to appear at Opening Ceremonies and Monday Plenary. Pre-conference report; ONE OF OUR MEMBERS REPORTS ON HIS MEETING WITH THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION AND AIDS SERVICES ORGANIZATIONS IN VIENNA; KCTS SEATTLE 9 AIDS programming; SAFE PET GUIDELINES FOR PEOPLE WITH HIV DISEASE. Tips. More information available at the PWA office; A KIND OF ARCHAEOLOGY ON THE USE AND CONS OF SELF MEDICATION THROUGH DEXTRAN SULFATE Commentary; BUDGET PROBLEMS CAUSES PROGRAM RESTRICTIONS Funding for televisions in hospital are being phased out. Complementary Health Program Financial Assistance to be lowered to $100 per month; EMERGENCY NEWSBREAK Call for Volunteers for 1989 walkathon; TUESDAY NIGHT SUPPORT GROUP Announcement;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #27 December/January/February 1989

Publication type: 
UPDATE ON EMERGENCY DRUG RELEASE PROGRAM E.D.R.P. Pentamidine and dextran sulfate and now available in Canada under the ERDP at Health and Welfare Canada; BONES OF CONTENTION The AIDS Committee of London (Ontario) and AIDS ACTION NOW! staged a demonstration and die-in demanding recognition of catastrophic rights and free access to AIDS related drugs and treatments, no drug trials involving placebos, a national treatment registry and PLWA presence on all boards and committees dealing with drug trials; NOMINATIONS FOR THE BOARD SOUGHT ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING March 26, 1989; HIV P24 ANTIGEN TEST BETA2 MICROGLOBULIN TEST WHAT ARE TEHY? HOW DO I GET THEM? Two relatively new blood tests can help you better assess the effectiveness of treatments or your chances of progressing; SUPPORT/STUDY GROUP FORMING Support group following the strategy in "Getting Well Again", call for information; FEDERAL FUNDING SECURED FOR 1989 Health Promotion Directorate of Health and Welfare Canada has come through again with $50,000 in funding for 1989; VITAMIN EXCHANGE Bring in products you no longer use; THE Vth INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AIDS Montreal June 4-9th, 1989 VANCOUVER PWAs TAKE LEADING ROLE Generating interest and soliciting proposals from PWA Coalitions and Non-governmental groups worldwide; THOUGHTS ALONG THE WAY CONTEMPLATION OF A WORLD IN ACTION Commentary; AIDS 101 or THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL AIDS SYMPOSIUM FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Conference report; DEXTRAN SULFATE REMINDER Information available; PEOPLE WHO CARE DR. JOEL EPSTEIN, D.M.D., M.S.D. Kudos; IN APPRECIATION OF NURSES Poetry; CASINO NIGHTS Fundraiser report; ONGOING EVENTS; PERSONAL Ads; COPING WITH HIV Study, call for participants; AIDS UPDATE November Bulletin of Experimental Treatments for AIDS (BETA) Issue #2 ia available; "LOVE IN MOTION": WHAT A FANTASTIC SHOW Fundraiser report; MANY, MANY THANKS TO A VERY SPECIAL PERSON Christmas hamper kudos; WISH LIST The Vancouver Persons with AIDS Society is always in need of various items; NEW ADDITIONS TO OUR LIBRARY; AZT BILLING UPDATE Court case launched to seek relief from the provincial governments unique AZT billing policy; WHAT YOU MAY NEED FROM A LAWYER Legal information and services available; ROBERGT SALKELD DECEMBER 12, 1955 - DECEMBER 1, 1988; ART PSYCHOTHERAPY GROUP STARTING Please call to sign up or for mor information; DAN'S DEAD DANIEL G. JOHNSON - THE WARRIOR JANUARY 5, 1954 - NOVEMBER 15, 1988; LETTER TO THE EDITOR regarding "Convincing your friends to take the test"; NOTE FROM M.A.P. rebuttal; PLEASE NOTE: BODY POSITIVE DROP-IN STARTS FEBRUARY 18th; NEW GM The Vancouver Persons with AIDS Society is happy to announce the hiring of our new General Manager, Christopher Sabean;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #26 November 1988

Publication type: 
ONE STARRY NIGHT III An Important Fundraiser, November 27th; INTIMACY AND AIDS By Nicholas Gray. Intimacy after an AIDS diagnosis; THE PRAISE OF OUR SISTERS Kudos; YOU ARE INVITED TO A DINNER PARTY! Event announcement; NEW PERSONNEL CHAIR; IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE UNITED WAY CAMPAIGN The Vancouver Persons with AIDS Coalition can be designated as a recipient of donations as can AIDS Vancouver and McLaren House; AIDS A CELEBRATION OF CARING Fundraiser; VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION WORKSHOP It is necessary to attend an orientation workshop if you want to volunteer at the office; ADVERSTISEMENTS; ALTERNATIVE THERAPY NEWS Information on Dextran Sulfate from Scientific American; WONDERFUL VITAMIN C Information on Vitamin C; CANADIAN AIDS SOCIETY RECEPTION AND BOARD MEETING Event report; COUNSELLING SERVICES available; ONGOING EVENTS; PERSONAL ads; THE THIRD RETREAT OF 1988 WAS A GREAT SUCCESS Event report; BC COLLEGE OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS AIDS EDUCATION WORKSHOP Coalition members address physician workshop; MAKING A HOSPITAL STAY EASIER Some tips for making a trip to the hospital and the stay there smoother; CONVINCING YOUR FRIENDS TO TAKE THE TEST Commentary advocating that everyone learn their HIV antibody status; NEWS FROM THE LIBRARY New additions; THE NEW RISING STAR - CD4: WHAT IS IT? New treatment research; FINANCE COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES Budget preparation, fundraising news and thank yous; NOAK'S ARK SEEKS CLOSER CONTACT Sweden's AIDS care organization seeks to maintain and expand their contacts with Vancouver; THOUGHTS ALONG THE WAY: CONTEMPLATION IN A WORLD OF ACTION Commentary on billing for AZT; COME ONE COME ALL The PWA Coalition is organizing entertainment weekends, call for information; HELPFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS By Bill Ives Collecting stool samples; A BROADER PERSPECTIVE: TOWARDS CREATING JUSTICE AND EQUALITY Commentary; WE NEED YOUR LETTER! Funding submissions from the PWA Society to Health Promotion Directorate, the Province of BC and the City of Vancouver are in preparation. Your letter of support will help!; AUTHOR RETURNS TO ENLIGHTEN US: Speaker announcement, Tom O'Connor author of "Living with AIDS: Reaching Out";
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #21 June 1988

Publication type: 
CANADIAN AIDS CONFERENCE Reported by Benoit L. More than 500 professionals, caregivers, community-based group representatives and Persons with AIDS attend, Minister of Health does not, nothing on treatment and therapies; "THE LIVING FACE OF AIDS" SUCCESS The photographic display of 35 Coalition members big success at Conference, travelling to International Conference on AIDS; GET INVOLVED: THE COALITION NEEDS YOU! Call for volunteers; COMMITTEE REPORTS: PROGRAM Volunteers needed, event announcement, update on financial assistance. FINANCE Thank you for donation of computer system. Bridging funds received from Health Promotion Directorate; PHONES The Coalition continues efforts to make phone available to members in hospital. T-CELL Application to extend Medical Plan Coverage for t-cell testing is before the Ministry of Health. DRUGS: DEXTRAN SULFATE Promising drug, OTC in Japan, Health Canada insists on clinical trials before marketing in Canada. NEWSLETTER Volunteers and submissions needed; DAY TRIP TO HARRISON HOT SPRING Event announcement; RETREAT 4th retreat, sign up available; THIRD ANNUAL WALKATHON Fundraiser announcement; AUTHOR OF "LIVING WITH AIDS" LECTURES Event announcement; ONGOING EVENTS; ANNOUNCEMENTS/PERSONALS;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #22 July 1988

Publication type: 
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #23 August 1988

Publication type: 
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition


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