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Positive Living Society of British Columbia (Formally BCPWA)

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #24 September 1988

Publication type: 
TIPS FROM LONG TERM SURVIVORS FROM NEW YORK TO VANCOUVER Event announcement; BOSTON PERSPECTIVE Report on the Second International Lesbian and Gay Conference on Health Issues; INFORMATION EVENING THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL LESBIAN and GAY CONFERENCE ON HEALTH ISSUES IN BOSTON; "NAMES PROJECT' COMES TO VANCOUVER Event announcement; DR. CAIAZZA - THE AIDS/SYPHILIS CONNECTION Event announcement; A PRAYER VIGIL FOR AIDS Event announcement; A MESSAGE FROM THE LIBRARIAN New librarian for the Coalition calls for volunteers; SPREAD THE WORD The PWA Coalition is a recipient of United Way Campaign Funds; VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION Thanking volunteers; ONGOING EVENTS; PERSONAL ADS; AEROSOL PENTAMIDINE WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON OR ELSE! Commentary; ENCOURAGING RESEARCH ON AZT; NEW INFORMATION PACKS AVAILABLE "Stockholm Research Pack" an update on the most promising AIDS treatments from the abstracts fo the Stockholm Conference, Concise Mini-Packs available: Acyclovir, Aerosol Pentamidine, Antabuse/Imuthol/DTC, AL721 (Egg Lecithin Lipids), AZT, Dextran Sulfate, Isoprinosene, Ribavirin, Treatment Options and Monitoring the Progression of the Disease for Asymptomatic HIV Positive Persons; POTLUCK Event report and announcement; CALL FOR STUDY PARTICIPANTS on platelet production levels; FEDERAL FUNDS EXTENDED Health Promotion Directorate of Health and Welfare Canada increases funding; FUNDING DENIED City of Vancouver denies Coalition's request for infrastructure funding;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #25 October 1988

Publication type: 
FUNDING DENIED FUNDING APPROVED! City of Vancouver revisits Coalition core funding request; MCC PRAYER VIGIL Event report; NEW COMMITTEE FORMS TO DIRECT SPECIAL PROJECTS Project Committee formed to take care of special events such as One Starry Night III. Call for volunteers; DEXTRAN SULFATE UPDATE New people essay treatment; BOSTON CONFERENCE Taped sessions available; ACCUPRESSURE WORKSHOP Event announcement; POTLUCK Report and announcement; DRUG DISCUSSION IN BOSTON Further reports from the 2nd International Lesbian and Gay Conference on Health Issues: AZT, Pentamidine, AL721, Dextran Sulfate, Acyclovir; ONGOING EVENTS; PERSONAL Personal ads; DOLLAR $ENSE Financial advise; DR. CAIAZZA SPEAKS Event report; LIBRARY NEWS New additions; AZT BILLING UPDATE Lobbying efforts continue; LEGAL ADVICE CLINIC; CANADIAN AIDS SOCIETY BOARD TO MEET HERE; PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT Working on hiring new staff; OCTOBER RETREAT PLANNED! Event announcement; VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION WORKSHOP TO BE HELD OCT. 29TH; ADVOCACY COMMITTEE UPDATE Committee description, call for volunteers;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #14 November 1987

Publication type: 
ONE STARRY NIGHT II: Gala benefit for the Vancouver Persons with AIDS Coalition; COALITION SPONSORING A BOARD OF DIRECTORS DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP Workshop to provide framework for examining roles, management styles and policy procedures; AEROBIC 07 description of product; AL 721 TODAY By John S. James AIDS Treatment News. Report on AL 721; CONDOM SENSE Mack's Leathers creates leather condom carrying case; VETERINARY SERVICE AVAILABLE; SPIRITUAL CORNER; AIDS AND THE ZEST OF LIFE By Ed Sibbett, reprinted from Healing AIDS August 1987; A LITTLE PIECE OF PARADISE By Garry Andrews. Report on retreat; THE GAY FOOD BANK Food band delivery available; WORKSHOP WITH LINDA GALLOWAY. Workshop announcement; LOVE GIFTS Crystals as gifts; FACTOR ONE and K150 HERBAL STUDY Free three month trial available by lottery; ONGOING EVENTS;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #15 December 1987

Publication type: 
THE CHURCH CONFRONTS AIDS. A report on the Canadian/US Consultation on Theological and Ethical Issues Related to AIDS by Nicholas Gray. 150 theologians, social ethicists, religious leaders, Persons with AIDS and caregivers meet and debate on a variety of issues as they related to AIDS; STARRY SUCCESS Fundraiser report; A NEW FACE Introducing new receptionist; VANCOUVER PERSONS WITH AIDS COALITION'S ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: Meeting announcement; MERRY CHRISTMAS Message from the Coalition; PERSONAL NOTES Personal ads; WORDS OF INSPIRATION: Variation on a theme by Rilke. Poem; HYPNOTHERAPY STUDY UPDATE: Study still in development, no start date yet; MY COUSIN TONY: A Remembrance by Therese Spitzer. Memorial; AIDS: ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXBUSTION: Alternative therapy information; TUESDAY NIGHT SUPPORT MEETINGS By Garry Andrew. Information on the Vancouver PWA Coalition's Holistic Committee's evening support group meetings; POLARITY THERAPY: Pressure point technique information; SELF-HEALING GROUP Introduction to Louise Hay and other self-healing approaches; REIKI available; ONGOING EVENTS;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #16 January 1988

Publication type: 
PROGRAM COMMITTEE UPDATE The Program Committee is an expansion of Holistic Committee and is planning a spring retreat, revamping the library, and has compiled a list of all programs covered by the Committee; NEW POLICIES FOR MEMBERSHIP AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Three tiered membership policy adopted; TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Letter regarding the recent passing of Bill 34, Amendments to the Health Act, call to amend the Provincial Human Rights Code; CONGRATULATIONS Brian Peel appointed Executive Director of AIDS Vancouver; MCLAREN HOUSE OFFERS ALTERNATIVE Low cost independent housing available for PWAs, PWARCs; SOME QUALIFY FOR DEDUCTION Tax deduction available to qualified individuals who are disabled; HOLISTIC ENERGY GROUP Invitation to form energy balancing group; SPIRITUAL CORNER; REIKI available; ONGOING EVENTS; PERSONAL NOTES;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #17 February 1988

Publication type: 
FIRST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING New structure for Coalition, board members elected; FINANCE COMMITTEE ACTIVITES Committee report; TAX TIME AND PWAs Disability deduction available; SPIRITUAL CORNER; PROGRAM COMMITTEE UPDATE "Healing Circle" has returned; AL-721 is still being provided; financial request procedures reviewed and streamlined; Coalition to provide plants, art work, cassettes to Infectious Disease Clinic; complete library list is nearing completion; retreat planned; "survival course" in development; NEW PROCEDURES FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE; LIBRARY LIST Complete list of materials now available; PERONNEL COMMITTEE ACTIVITES Evaluation of AIDS: A Self-Help, Self-Care approach underway; Job descriptions, guidelines for committee memberships and volunteer training program in development; ADVOCACY COMMITTEE Lobbying: for amendments to the Human Rights Act to include medical disability and sexual orientation, St. Paul's hospital to put up condom posters, Federal Government and drug companies to make aerosol pentamidine available for prophylaxis and treatment, for a PWA to sit on the National Advisory Committee on AIDS and for funding to send two PWAs to the fourth International Conference on AIDS; VIDEO SERVICES AVAILABLE; ONGOING EVENTS
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #18 March 1988

Publication type: 
"MY DOCTOR AND I" or Learning to take care of one of your best friends. By Kevin Brown. Reflection on his relationship with his doctor; WHERE WE STAND Reports from the Standing Committees. ADVOCACY COMMITTEE Report by Kevin Brown. The Coalition met with BC Medical Association regarding doctor burnout, recruitment to the AIDS field, education in clinical and social aspects of AIDS, lack of clinical trials. Lobbying efforts for increased access to experimental drugs, increased research. New policy regarding public speakers for the Coalition as well as training. Upcoming conferences; PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: Report by Fausto Ioccheli. New membership policies. Revised policy on Board of Directors ready for presentation to Board. Volunteer workshop scheduled. Job descriptions and possible postings under consideration. PROGRAM COMMITTEE Report by Benoit Lanthier. Five framed prints brought to IDC. AL-721 to be provided to BC residents only. Drop in centre gets volunteers. Retreat preparation being finalized; LIBRARY UPDATE New additions, request for material; HATHA YOGA Call for interest; PSYCHIC OFFERS SERVICES; TELL US YOUR STORIES Gay writers asked for submissions for new anthology exploring rich diversity of gay culture post AIDS; PERSONAL NOTES Personal ads; INSPIRATIONAL CORNER; TRIP TO SEATTLE Coalition members meet with counterparts in Seattle; SIGN UP NOW FOR OUR NEXT RETREAT; DROP IN CENTRE NOW OPEN ONE EVENING A WEEK Wednesdays; ONGOING EVENTS;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #19 April 1988

Publication type: 
COALITION RESPONDS TO AZT CHALLENGE Outraged study participants are being charged for experimental drug, charge government with discrimination, breach of confidentiality; COALITION PREPARES FOR CANADIAN CONFERENCE ON AIDS Coalition to send delegates, chair plenary session; COALITION RECEIVES INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION Founding member to chair major session on AIDS and Human Rights; COALITION BANNER TO APPEAR IN THE PEACE MARCH; HEALTH RELATED FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE UPDATE Acupuncture, hospital TV rental now covered; OUR FIRST ONE DAY EXCURSION The Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary; MEDITATION CLASSES: "LIVING IN THE MOMENT" Announcement; WEDNESDAY NIGHT DROP-IN CENTRE Announcement; INHALATION PENTAMIDINE STUDY TO START By Kevin Brown. Pneumocystic Carinii Pneumonia prophylaxis research study; LIBRARY CORNER New additions to library; GETTING INVOLVED By Brian. Volunteering for AIDS Vancouver and the PWA Coalition; FAIRY TALES CAN COME TRUE, IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU or EXCUSE ME DOCTOR DID I HICCUP? By Chuck Reflection on medical consensus; PROGRAM COMMITTEE Report by Benoit. L., Alex K., and Terry L. New location for Support Group Meeting. Drop-in Centre hours. Coalition supplies St. Paul's hospital with 9 Walkmans. Please read the Policy on Health-related Financial Assistance. Program Committee meets every Wednesday. Thanks to Terry and Jackie's efforts to obtain Complementary Tickets. Call for donations to drop in centre; PERSONALS; OUR FIRST MONTHLY POT LUCK DINNER!; WALK... WALK... LET'S ALL WALK ON THE THIRD ANNUAL WALKATHON! Call for participants; BULLETIN BOARD FOR HOLISTIC HEALTH & ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES Information from practitioners available; ONGOING EVENTS; ANNOUNCEMENTS;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #20 May 1988

Publication type: 
THIRD ANNUAL WALK-A-THON Fundraiser announcement; FINANCE COMMITTEE Report by Warren Jensen. The committee presented a much increased budget for 88/89 to the Board of Directors which they approved. The committee has also requested the City of Vancouver donate use of the Orpheum Theatre for Starry Night III; FUEL TAX/ICBC REBATES Full refund of the provincial gasoline tax available and once qualified for that rebate, a further rebate of car insurance is available. ADVOCACY COMMITTEE Report by Kevin B. AZT UPDATE The Coalition is waiting to see if the government will bill PWAs for AZT and if it does, the BC Civil Liberties Union would be willing to launch a court case against the Ministry; THE LIVING FACE OF AIDS Photographic essay underway, to be shown at the Canadian Conference on AIDS. Call to get involved; PHONES IN ST. PAUL'S HOSPITAL? The committee is working to get phones into private rooms; NEW THERAPY UPDATE BOOK Special issue of the CDC AIDS Weekly containing a complete therapy update now in the library. PROGRAM COMMITTEE Report by Benoit L. 17 members participated in recent retreat. Guests from Seattle AIDS Support Group expected to visit, billets needed. Volunteers to produce "Survival Manual" needed; LEARN TAI CHI WITH US THIS SUMMER Weekly classes. NEXT POT LUCK DINNER MAY 21; HARRISON HOT SPRINGS One day excursion; UPDATE ON FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Members can apply for funds to cover the costs of products or services; THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL AIDS CANDLELIGHT VIGIL MAY 30, 1988; NAMES PROJECT QUILT in Seattle June 23, 24; ONGOING EVENTS;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #13 October 1987

Publication type: 
PATRONAGE FOR EGG LECITHIN STUDY SOUGHT By Nicholas Gray. The Egg Lecithin study (AL-721) has begun and interest is high across Canada. Contact the Coalition if you are interested in sponsoring a PWA/PWARC or want more information; WE DESERVE A BREAK TODAY: 24 PWA/PWARCs take a group break from the city; COALITION MEETS WITH BURROUGHS WELLCOME: Report by Nicholas Gray. Capacity crowd of Coalition members meet with representatives from Burroughs Welcome. Lines of communication opened but many questions remain unanswered; MORE MEETINGS: COALITION REPS AND HEALTH MINISTER By Kevin Brown. Cordail discussions, no resolution in items of concern; MEDITATION CLASS OFFERED: Reported by Nicholas Gray. Insight Meditation class offered, registration required; EXPRESSING THANKS By Nicholas Gray. Fundraiser report. KEVIN'S SIX WEEK BRAN MUFFIN MIX: Recipe; FACTOR ONE AND K 150: AN INDEPENDANT STUDY: Reported by Glen Gilmore. Report on two body cleanser/solvent herbal products; HYPNOTHERAPY STUDY: Reported by Nicholas Gray. Call for study participants; BENEFITS AVAILABLE TO PWA/PWARCs: Compiled by Rick Froese. Partial list of benefits available from Social Services (government), Vancouver Persons with AIDS Coalition, and AIDS Vancouver; WITH LOVE: A Tribute to Taavi Nurmela by Sharon Holtzberg; ONGOING EVENTS;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition


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